The numbers of people that have wrestled are between 6 -8 million. These are potential fans. We have to find them and lure them back to wrestling.
Wrestling has never been able to truly quantify for the National TV Networks the true size and scope of our sport and its potential fan base….or even begin to document those “casual supporters”…
The National Registry is an effort to address all of the above issues if our sport will allow itself to be organized.
I am asking you to get behind the effort of finding and registering ONE Million Fans. Sign up at National Registry 4 Wrestling! We need every Arkansas wrestler to sign up!
It is simple, yes it is free and agnostic… takes 1 minute. You won’t get badgered with emails. You will get notifications of when wrestling will be on TV and postings on our website.
Please take a few second s and stand up to be counted and inform your circles that might care. If you register, in the referral box add my Promo- AWA…If you want to help simply add in the next box your referral code. PROMO (your initials).
If you sign-up 10 people they will send you a Asics T-Shirt, 25 you get a Asics Hood and 100 you get a Asics Jacket. Wrestling Needs You!
Yours in wrestling,
Greg Hatcher
Arkansas Wrestling Association